Terms and Conditions of Use



The present document (together with any documents to which reference is made herein) provides the terms and conditions of use of the online pages and services of www. belvederebespokecy.com constitutes a sale agreement concluded remotely in accordance to and governed by applicable laws.

You have the right to conclude a valid order through the online store provided you are not less than eighteen years old and capable to contract. Subject to the foregoing, you may also place an order on behalf of a legal entity of whom you are the legal representative/director.

Description of Goods and Availability

Goods displayed for sale, their characteristics, prices and stock are on our Website and are accessible to everyone. By clicking on an item appearing on our Website you may see additional information in relation thereto. We will inform you in a timely manner about the availability or unavailability of goods without however being liable in case of unavailability.

All Goods displayed for sale on our Website are subject to their product description as well as to terms and conditions concerning, amongst others, estimated delivery dates and times, warranties, refunds and returns eligibility.

We take all reasonable care to ensure that details, descriptions and prices of Goods appearing on our Website are correct at the time when the relevant information is uploaded on our Website. Although our aim is to keep our Website, as much as possible, up to date, product descriptions and other information appearing on our Website at a particular time may not always reflect the exact position at the moment you place your order. We will notify you of any material changes to this information. Unless we receive a notification in writing within 14 days from such notification, you shall be deemed to have accepted such changes. You are responsible to provide us with a valid e-mail address for such communications.

Materials, commentary and other information posted on our Website serve as a guide only and should by no means be taken as constituting advice on which reliance should be placed. We, therefore, disclaim, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance placed by any visitor of our Website or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents, on such materials, commentary and other information.

Order Procedure

Step 1: Add the product you are interested to buy to your basket and press the confirm order button at the end of the checkout process.

Step 2: Fill in the details required to complete your purchase, select the payment method and make a payment. It is your responsibility to confirm the accuracy of the details you provide during the order and payment process. No order will be accepted unless all details requested from you have been entered correctly.

Step 3: An email detailing the Goods you have ordered, the quantity, transport/delivery costs, where applicable, address for delivery of the Goods ordered, means of payment and estimated delivery time, will be send to you. This is not an Order Confirmation. You should check that the details are correct. To complete the order, you will be asked to agree with the terms and conditions by clicking the button. We suggest that before you complete the order by clicking the button you make a last check of your order.

Step 4: Your order will be on hold until the amount is deposited and the bank has confirmed deposit. Following: (a) confirmation by the Bank that the amount of your order has been deposited; and (b) your order processed; and (c) Goods dispatched,  an email confirming that your order relating to the Goods specified in such email has been accepted, processed and dispatched (“Order Confirmation”), will be sent to you. You should remember that all products displayed on our Website are subject to availability and subject to our acceptance of your order. You should check that the details in the Order Confirmation are correct save and/or keep a copy of it.


All Goods offered for sale on our Website are subject to availability and subject to our acceptance of your order. No order shall be deemed accepted by us unless and until it is confirmed unconditionally by us via email.

The Order Confirmation together with these terms and conditions, form the contract for the purchase of Goods from the Website: www.belvederebespokecy.com. The Contract is entered into between you and Photos Photiades Distributors.

Payment Methods and Payment

Payment can be made by JCC portal using any valid credit card accepted by the said portal.

By placing an order you agree to payment being charged to your debit/credit card account or electronic payment account as provided on the order form. When you pay for your order by card, certain checks are carried out which include obtaining authorisation from your card issuer to ensure you have adequate funds and for security reasons. Such checks may include, inter alia, validation of your name, address and other personal information supplied by you during the order process against appropriate third party databases including, amongst others, the card issuer. Any personal information we may collect from you as part of the ordering and payment process will be dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that all details you have provided us with for the purpose of purchasing the Goods are correct and that the payment card  or electronic payment account you are using is your own.

Payment will be taken out of your account before delivery of the Goods.

We will take all reasonable care, in so far as it is in our power to do so, to keep the details of your order and payment secure, but in the absence of negligence or breach of statutory duty on our part we cannot be held liable for any loss you may suffer if a third party procures unauthorised access to any data you provide when accessing or ordering from a Website.

All payments will be taken in Euro.

Completion of the Contract

Following dispatch of your order you will receive an Order Confirmation for your order via email. Unless you have been notified that your order is not accepted or you have cancelled the order, the completion of the Contract will take place on the dispatch to you of the Goods ordered. The Contract will relate only to the Goods stated in the Order Confirmation. Until you receive an Order Confirmation we will not be obliged to supply any Goods included in your order.

The Contract will apply to the exclusion of any other terms, including any terms and conditions which you may purport to apply under any purchase order, confirmation of order or other documents.

Nothing in these terms and conditions shall operate to negate or restrict any of your rights as a consumer under applicable law.

Refusal/Non-acceptance of order

Our right to refuse to accept and process any and all customer orders on any and all Goods, products and services and to suspend, discontinue, and refuse the use or acceptance of any and all offers, promotions, discounts, at our sole discretion, are fully reserved.

An order may not be accepted as a result of:

  1. The Goods ordered not being available; or
  2. Non-receipt of authorisation and/or confirmation of receipt for your payment; or
  3. Identification of a pricing or product description error; or
  4. You not meeting the eligibility criteria set out in these terms and conditions.


Prices for Goods displayed for sale, quoted on our Website are inclusive of sales taxes chargeable on the sale of Goods in Cyprus and are inclusive of all delivery charges. The total price for Goods ordered through the Website will be displayed before confirmation by you of your order and payment.

All prices on our Website will be displayed in EURO (€).


Delivery of Goods ordered is executed only within the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus. Delivery is executed by us. Dates quoted for delivery of the goods are indicative and we cannot guarantee the delivery by the specified date. The place for delivery of the Goods will be the address indicated by you through your order which may be an address other than the billing address.

We cannot undertake shipments of Goods outside of Cyprus.

If no delivery dates are specified, orders will be delivered within 30 days of the original order date. Where earlier dates are specified, these are indicative and are not guaranteed. Time for delivery will not be of the essence of the Contract and we will not be liable for any loss or expenses sustained by you arising from any delay in the delivery of the Goods however caused.

On delivery you must inspect the Goods. If your signature is required on delivery, you should examine the Goods before signing.

Right of Withdrawal

Your right to withdraw is limited to withdraw at any time prior to receipt of the Order Confirmation because the Goods you are ordering are personalised and cannot be resold and or used otherwise or by anybody else other than you or the person you ordered from.

To exercise your right of withdrawal you must notify us in writing through submission to us of a written statement clearly indicating your decision to withdraw (the “Notification of Withdrawal”). The Notification of Withdrawal must be sent via email to the address given at the end of these terms and conditions. You may use the standard Notification of Withdrawal form set out at the end of these terms and conditions or communicate exercise of your right to withdraw via email to the foregoing address.

Following submission of the  Notification of Withdrawal, and provided you have note received the Goods, we will, provided that we have been paid for the Goods ordered,  provide a full refund on the price paid for the Goods without undue delay and not later than:

  1. if no Goods were supplied, fourteen days after the Notification of Withdrawal.

We shall carry out the refund to you using the same means of payment as you have used for the initial transaction, unless you expressly agree otherwise.

Risk and Property

Risk of damage to or loss of the Goods will pass to you on delivery to you or a person nominated by you, other than a courier, of the Goods at the address depicted in your order and the Order Confirmation. Notwithstanding delivery and the passing of risk in the Goods, property in the Goods will not pass from us until we have received in cleared funds full payment of the price for the Goods and all other sums which are due, owing or payable by you to us in respect of the Contract or any other Contract between us and you.

Intellectual Property

The content of our Website is protected by copyright, trademarks, patent, database and other intellectual property rights and similar proprietary rights. Such rights include, without limitation, all rights in works, techniques, materials, data, trading business brand names, goodwill, service marks, models, the style or presentation of the goods or services, creations, inventions or improvements upon or additions thereto, and any similar rights in any country (whether registered or unregistered and including applications for and the right to apply for them in any part of the world) and you acknowledge that the intellectual property rights in the material and content supplied as part of our Website shall remain with us.

You may copy or download the content displayed on our Website or any part thereof on condition that use thereof is allowed for personal non-commercial purposes only. Copying or storing, reproducing, transmitting, publishing, displaying, distributing, commercially exploiting or creating derivative works for any other use or purpose is expressly prohibited and no license is granted in any of the foregoing.

Force Majeure

Neither us, nor our directors, officers, employees or contractors will be liable in any way for loss, damage, costs or expenses arising directly or indirectly from any failure or delay in performing any obligation assumed under a Contract by reason of any event or circumstance beyond our control, including, without limitation, any strikes, industrial action, lack of supplies or equipment, government action or Act of God.

Personal Data

We will process your personal data for the purposes and in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Privacy Policy available on our Website.


To receive assistance, request information, make claims or file complaints, you can contact as at:

+357 22 471111 from 8:30 am to 17:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

Online Disputes Resolution

You are entitled to use the platform set up by the European Commission for the resolution of disputes relating to online sales contracts (“ODR Platform”). You and us may use the ODR Platform to resolve disputes relating to online purchases through the assistance of an impartial body. The ODR Platform can be accessed at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr

Applicable Law and Competent Court

These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of Cyprus. Any dispute arising between the parties in relation to the interpretation, performance or termination thereof and/or any Contract will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Cyprus courts.



Notice of Withdrawal

(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

To [insert trader’s name, geographical address and, where available, fax number and e-mail address]:

I/We (*) [insert name of consumer] hereby give notice that I/We (*) [insert name of consumer]  withdraw from my/our (*) order/contract of sale of the following goods [insert description of goods], ordered on (*)/received on (*), with serial number [insert order number]

Name of consumer(s),

Address of consumer(s),

Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper),




(*) Delete as appropriate.